Legal Notice


The domain; and belong to Alvarez Ossorio Miller & Co. Abogados hereinafter Alvarez-Ossorio Miller, with address at Madrid, C/ Rafael Calvo, 40, 4º-1ª, with CIF: B-83599019. To this effect, the elements contained on the website presented under this domain (which includes, amongst others, texts, graphics, photographs, logos, icons, images, documents, etc),taken both individually and jointly, are the exclusive property of Alvarez-Ossorio Miller and, therefore, are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights, and protected by national and international legislation.


The reproduction, use, modification and distribution of the contents on to any type of medium (paper, CD-Rom, websites) is strictly prohibited without the express permission of the person responsible for the website.


The conditions of access to, and use of, the website are governed in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of 11th of July, regarding Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.


The user can view the different contents, print them and store them always provided they are solely and exclusively for his or her own personal use, with their distribution, their use for commercial purposes and their modification or alteration being strictly prohibited. The user can download for his or her own use the attached documents in the knowledge that they will be subject, in any event, to Alvarez-Ossorio Miller copyright and/or their authors, with the total or partial reproduction remaining prohibited for any purposes other than those described.


It is prohibited to introduce or disseminate on the network any Computer viruses or programmes susceptible to damaging the physical or logistical systems of Alvarez-Ossorio Miller.


Alvarez-Ossorio Miller guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data facilitated voluntarily by users of the website and is committed to safeguarding said data to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access, with the logical limitations of existing technology. The user will answer for the veracity of the data facilitated, with Alvarez-Ossorio Miller reserving the right to exclude from the registered services all those users who have facilitated false data, without prejudice to any other actions that may be available under the Law.


Alvarez-Ossorio Miller may utilise the users data file for the purposes of informing users about modifications in the service, but will always request the express authorisation on the part of the user for sending out informative newsletters and/or advertising about its services. Under no circumstances can the data be communicated or ceded to third parties, without the prior and express consent of the user.  The cession of data would be limited, in any event, by Spanish legislation on data protection.


Data of a personal nature will be handled in accordance with Organic Law 15/1.999, of 13th of December, regarding the Protection of Data of a Personal Nature. The user, therefore, may exercise the rights recognised by the law for the access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to his or her personal data.


Any registered user can exercise these rights by means of written communication addressed to:


Alvarez-Ossorio Miller & Co. Abogados
C/ Rafael Calvo, 40. 4º-1ª, 28010. Madrid.


Alvarez-Ossorio Miller reserves the right to make whatever modifications it deems opportune to its website, and can change, delete or add contents and services provided through same, and will monitor fulfilment of the afore-mentioned conditions as well as any misuse of its website, exercising all actions that may be available to it under the Law.